Then we went inside and milled and ate and stuff...


We did a receiving line sort of thing. That's my friend Emma from San Francisco on the edge, trying not to be first to shake all the hands. Zareh seems to be ready to go a few rounds with Rosana.


This is a view from the balcony of people in their seats. Sauces are being placed on the tables, and food is imminent. Great room, eh? I love it.


This is the cake. I made it myself. Before you start thinking I am a REALLY good cake decorator, you should know that those are real flowers on it. Dave constructed the cake stand for me. Good Dave!


Here is a close-up of one of the layers. This one appears to be orange-poppyseed. There were also some carrot cakes WITHOUT raisins. Don't get me started on raisins. *shudder*


Another shot of the cakes from the back.


Here we are cutting the cake. In England they don't do that thing where the bride and groom feed each other a bit of cake, and they've never even heard of that abysmal smushing of cake into each other's faces thing. I can't say that I really missed that ritual, although if I had wanted to do it I certainly would have. Wedding cake in England is usually this really dense fruitcake stuff that no one actually wants to eat.


We'd cut the cake, but people kept snapping photos. Thousands of them. So we lifted up the knife and stood there for a while until people got tired of it.


Here I am with my real boyfriend, "Little David." He's Dave's sister's boy. He was too young to marry me, so Dave filled in.

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© 1999 Susan Van Valkenburg
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